discover how god is leading

Congregations, organizations and Christian groups of all kinds share a missional core: we are all participants in God's plan to reconcile all Creation through Jesus Christ. We recognize that fruitful ministry depends on our understanding of how God is leading us to execute our part of that mission.

Working with leaders who want to operate out of this missional core is the focus of my work. This includes:

  • Identifying mission in relation to the big picture of God’s work in the world

  • Developing shared vision and values for executing mission

  • Determining a ministry plan to carry out shared vision in relation to shared values

  • Exploring factors for organizational health that include:

    • regular practices of reflection and discernment

    • careful navigation of transition and change

    • partnership opportunities

    • clarity on governance and decision-making structures and practices

Working together, participants in missional communities will demonstrate God's imprint in all areas of life and society.


It starts with listening

The group conversations that I facilitate will support your efforts to build a stronger missional community. Such conversation will strengthen the commitment to listen to God and others in the communities we serve.

Prayerful reflection on Scripture will create a shared starting point and reference throughout the learning process, whether it's focused on developing shared vision, managing change, reviewing current decision-making structures, changing business models or any combination of these and other critical activities.

I work to facilitate dialogue and conversation that bring clarity to the questions at hand, unity among those seeking answers and assurance of God's presence in every step along the way.



MissionaL communities are learning communities

Sometimes leaders find it useful to start with a workshop that introduces their community to key concepts before they are put into practice. 

Workshop topics focus on one or more of the following elements:

  • What do we believe about how God guides us through Scripture, prayer and reflective conversation with others?

  • What are some of the common ways to seek God's guidance individually and in community with others?

  • How can communal discernment practices enrich a missional community?

My commitment to teach about the practices I facilitate emphasizes the principle that missional communities are learning communities.



let's talk about your leadership

Whether it's a by-product of facilitating a communal discernment process or the result of a set of scheduled conversations, I'm ready to work with you on understanding God's leading as you lead others in building a stronger missional community.

Our conversations will highlight the challenges you face in carrying out a "facilitative" style of leadership, and will equip you to build the gifts and skills inherent in your community.